Friday, March 15, 2013

Commander Rikurry and Rice Tastes Success

Another week, another good time at Pub Quiz.  When it was all said and done, the top 3 teams were all within 2 points of each of, and the next 4 were only another 1 or 2 points off of that.  And even though it was so close, one team actually managed to win rounds 1, 3, and 4.  That team, Commander Rikurry & Rice.  They ate up the competition but were not able to pull the jackpot chip from the full bag.  So, next week the jackpot starts to build.

Since they won round 4, as is custom, they chose topics for next week's round 2.  Here's what you should study:
Plate Tectonics
Diseases You Can Die From
South Lake Tahoe Nightclubs
Las Vegas, Nv.
They Might Be Giants
Friar's Club
Giant Garter Snakes
1920's Burlesque
Foods Outlawed in California
Armenian Food
Hermaphrodites We Know and Love, Again!

There you have it.  Study up and enjoy.  We'll see you next Wednesday at Pub Quiz.

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