Sunday, May 2, 2010

The hits keep on comin'

Alana is Satan pulled off a very, very, very close and well-earned win last week while Team Raisin Bran won round 4 by a narrow margin, earning them the right to choose topics for this week's round 2.  So let's just get to it:

1. Fantasy Baseball
2. Number Theory
3. 4-H
4. Garrison Keillor
5. Cooking
6. WW II
7. Chickens
8. L.A. Dodgers
9. Veronica Mars
10. Produce (veggies, fruit, cheese, eggs, etc)
11. Nutrition
12. Martha Stewart
13. Narnia (CS Lewis' fictional land)
14. Fresno State

Some of those are narrow and some of them are incredibly vague.  Study up and hope that we pick the questions that suit your knowledge.  And if we don't, well...perhaps you'll be able to drown your sorrows in a glass of beer or a cocktail or some iced tea or some potato skins.

Be forewarned that Wednesday is also Cinco de Mayo so we may or may not write some questions in that vein (it depends on how lazy/busy we all end up being) but if we do, there won't be more than a couple/few.

Hey!  We're still havin' fun and we hope you're still havin' fun too!  See you this Wednesday!

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