Friday, May 7, 2010

Big, big, BIG news!

If you didn't see the alert on Facebook already, here's what's
happening at pub quiz next week (5/12/2010):

Friends of pub quiz have offered to write questions and MC for one
week giving Ed, Carrie, and Adam an opportunity to sit at a table with
all of you and show you why we run the game rather than play it.
That's right, we'll be stumbling through our memories for obscure
facts and events while we suck down adult beverages and laugh it up.

What does that mean for you?  Well, several things.

One, this week's jackpot will be a straight payout to the winning
team.  This is a standalone game that won't be attached to the ongoing
rolling jackpot.  We'll bank last week's money and save it for the
next week we're running the show.

Two, the topics that Team Raisin Bran submitted for use in round 2
will not be used this week.  We're letting the guest quizmasters write
all their own questions and pick all their own songs.  We'll use their
topics when we take the game back over on 5/19.

Three, we have decided that our team will not be eligible for the
jackpot.  We just want to play for fun and enjoy (i.e. struggle
through) a game from your side of the table.

Four, we're still going to run registration and help them set things
up.  They're just running the game and MCing.

Five, for the sake of avoiding impropriety, the team that our guest
quizmasters normally play for will be sitting out the game for an
added layer of protection from claims of unfairness.

So, I think that's it.  Come prepared to answer questions as usual and
win the usual prizes at the end of each round.  Also, come prepared to
have fun and laugh at our team as I plan on instructing the guest MC
to read off our score for each round so you can laugh and point or ooh
and aah depending on how well we do.  See you Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. if my team wins round 4 this coming week when will our categories be used? will this make it so everything is always one week off?
