This week was a surprisingly small crowd for a 50/50 jackpot week, but that didn't mean that it wasn't a fun game with lots going on. In Dog Beers, We've Only Had One dropped a perfect 10 on the crowd in round 1. FKA Riker engaged a 9 to take round 2. Spoiler Alert: Don King is Awful was not verbose, but they were round 3 winners with a 9. Alana is Satan closed out the night by winning a tough round 4 with 7. But who won it all?
Spoiler Alert: Don King is Awful took the crown on the night, and that meant they were winners for the second week in a row. This team frequently is near the top, if not the top, and are always a force to be reckoned with. They also had their lucky pants on this Wednesday, and snatched the jackpot chip, taking home the big bucks. FKA Riker took home the second place prize.
Next week we will be back at it, and it will be a fresh jackpot for you all to take your shot at.
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