Friday, January 9, 2015

New Year, Same Satan?

We returned from our holiday hiatus to an exciting Pub Quiz match.  Eleven teams squared off, some new, some old, some returning from their own hiatus.  Each round went to a different team, and when we reached the end, one team was one half point in the lead over two other teams.  That one team, Alana is Satan, who won the last game of last year.  Not a bad way to end last year or start this year, we say.  However, they were unable to pull the jackpot, but it was only week one, so that will start building with better odds.

Next week, Pub Quiz will be celebrating. Yep, it's time for our annual cheer to us.  In case you don't know your Fresno Pub Quiz history, we played our first game, in the front room of the Landmark, on January 13, 2010.  Yep, we've been at this 5 years!  So, come out and join us on Wednesday as we not only have a great game of trivia, but as we celebrate the years.

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