Thursday, August 4, 2011


Congratulations to Mmmmmmm...Gamecocks for their win on Wednesday. They scored a 10 in round 1, and a 10.5 in round 2 and hung on for the win. It was a fresh jackpot, but it wasn't won so the odds get better and rolls on to next week.

Clown Practice didn't win round 2, featuring the topics they picked a few weeks back, but they did win round 4, and so here are their topics for next week's round 2. Study up, and we'll see you on the 10th.

1. Dialysis
2. C.S. Lewis
3. Scott Pilgrim vs the the World (movie)
4. English Premiership Soccer Stadia
5. Iron Maiden (band)
6. Dungeons & Dragons Online
7. The BElgariad
8. Avatar the Last Airbender (tv cartoon)
9. Reptiles
10. Fight Club (movie)
11. Yo Gabba Gabba
12. The Simpsons
13. Battlestar Galactica (all versions)
14. Norse Mythology

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