The team that always wins won again, in a surprise upset after trailing the first 3 rounds. These guys know how to play the game. My Wife Doesn't Know How To Wrestle, But You Should See Her Box also secured round four for the first time in a while; below are their topics for next week's round two. WHO WILL DETHRONE THEM? It's up to you, quizzers! Blue chip wasn't pulled so the money rolls to next week's jackpot. Do it.
1. Curb Your Enthusiasm
2. The Matrix (first movie)
3. Fawcett Comics
4. Grateful Dead lyrics
5. the hymns of Charles Wesley
6. Isis (Egyptian goddess)
7. Books by Juliet Marillier
8. Martin Luther
9. Romeo and Juliet (just the Shakespear play)
10. Modern Evolutionary Synthesis (1930-1960)
11. 1994 World Cup
12. 90s Britpop bands
13. Washington DC punk of the 80s
14. XXX Holic (anime)