Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pub Quiz results for 4/7/2010 and topics for next week's round 2

Thanks to all of you that made up our 95 players last night.  And for those of you that were unable to make it, we look forward to your next appearance.

Mad Figs eked out a win by a slim margin and won the jackpot so kudos to them (despite all the poor sports and booing players on the other teams).  If any of you Mad Figgers are reading this, you've apparently created some arch nemeses by being the winningest team in our short Fresno Pub Quiz history.  My advice to all those teams that don't like it when the Mad Figs a bigger and/or better team.  There are many teams that place closely, Corporate Zombies, Alana is Satan, The Work of Bavmorta and a couple of other teams that change their names around are always lurking (and sometimes winning).  Fresno has more than 8 trivia buffs.  Find 'em and bring them to quiz night!

Enough rambling, Blogocide snuck in a winning round last night which just so happened to be the 4th round.  Here are the topics they chose for round 2 of next week's pub quiz.  Study up!

1. Pez
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. North of Shaw Ave.
4. Video Games
5. 80s TV
6. Apple Computers
7. Celebrity Gossip
8. Catholic Theology
9. Cajun Cooking
10. Wu-Tang Clan
11. The DMV Handbooks
12. Bloggeraderie
13. Serial Killers
14. Real Housewives

There you have it.  We'll see you next week!


  1. Yeah, it's a restaurant until 10 PM which is about when we wrap up. I would warn you that the names of some of the teams and some of the language isn't necessarily kid friendly depending on your own parental standards.
