Friday, December 20, 2013

2013 Ends with a Win

We closed out 2013 with a nice, close game and a jackpot win.  There were 4 different round winners, and we ended up with Spoiler Alert: Criminal Minds Says Commander Riker is a Pedophile as the winner.  It was 50/50 odds and they pulled the jackpot chip.  Congrats to them for their win.  This was also the first time we've had our second place jackpot in effect, with Santa's Little Princesses getting the consolation prize of their entry fee back.

This is our Last Gasm of 2013 were randomly chosen to pick round 2 topics for our next game, which will be January 8, 2104, and here are those topics:
XKCD - web comic
Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special
Logical Fallacies
Logical Positivism
2014 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductees
History of Yeman
Cricket (the sport)
Dr. Dog (the band)
Career of Peter O'Toole
Career of Joan Fontaine
Films of Mel Brooks
Books of Max Brooks
Bryan Cranston tv shows

Enjoy your holidays, study up, and we'll see you on the 8th.

Also, we'll be celebrating our 4 year anniversary and 200th game with our January 15th game.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Rikerrific Game

This week, Team Riker was our guest host for a winner take all game.  They had a great range of topics, themes and some special prizes.  When it was all said and done, Fresnocity was the top dog and took home the jackpot.

Here are the topics chosen by Britney Jean and the Time Travel Speed Princesses:
Julia Child's The Art of French Cooking Vol. 1
Derek and Romaine Radio Show
Anne Burrell Recipes
Frasier (tv show)
Symbolic Logic (philosophy)
French Wine Appellations
Modest Mouse Lyrics
Ani Difranco Lyrics
Givenchy Haute Couture
Canasta Strategy/game play
Samara (The Ring)
Adobe in Design
Norgard's Automotive

Study up and we'll see you next week at Pub Quiz. It'll be the last game in December due to the holidays on the 25th and 1st.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bat Pope Blesses Victory

It was another good week at Pub Quiz.  Some witty names, some funny guesses to odd questions, and hopefully you had a good time.  Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Bat Pope was one of three teams to score a perfect ten in round 1, and grabbed sole possession of first place in round 2.  They held on for the rest of the night for the win, but we unable to pull the jackpot chip.  In two weeks, it'll be 50/50 odds. Brittney Jean and the Time Travel Princesses were the randomly drawn team for round 2 topics. Those will be up next Friday.

Next week we'll have a guest host. Team Riker will be at the head table, asking you their questions.  As with all the guest host games, it will be a winner take all match.  If your team wins, you win the night's jackpot.