Friday, August 2, 2013

Spoiler Alert, Gasms Were Good Hosts

We always love having one of our teams take over hosting duties.  We get to play, and you all get to get angry at someone else's questions.  Just kidding on that second part.  But we appreciate when a team steps up and runs the night.

This week, the team that likes to Gasm took over for us.  They brought out a mix of questions, challenged us all, and hopefully everyone had a good time. We know we did, as we won a round for the first time ever!  The game belonged to Spoiler Alert: Alana Comes in Second Tonight, who won round 2 and the game.  Our guest hosted games are always one offs, so Spoiler Alert took home the jackpot.

Next week, we return to our normal game, with your normal hosts behind the head table.  We'll be on the second week of a building jackpot, with 3 red and 1 blue chips in the jackpot bag.

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